Reasons Why Doo Rags are a Must Have!
Doo rags are a unique blend of fashion and function. Designed to be extremely comfortable to wear while providing maximum compression, very easily cleaned and it’s fast-drying and extremely affordable. A Doo rag waves cap is a must-have for men and women who want to protect their hair. The du rag waves caps are a trendy and stylish cap which protects your hair. The smooth fabric allows you to pull off any style, from 360 waves to 540, and even 720s. It is also often worn as a nightcap. Durag waves cap has a trendy and stylish look which makes you feel cool and attractive. Our doo rags come in a variety of colors, so you can choose the fit that suits your personality.
Doo rags are the best new items to search on the market. Our doo rags are durable, quick drying, flexible, light weight and extremely comfortable. Our doo rag caps are unisex and can accommodate all adult sizes. No need for a bulky headband or hat when you can have this amazing, doo rag waves cap. You won’t see caps at a lower price that can be carried in the pocket like a handkerchief. All three styles can change to make the head cool in summer, and warm the skull in winter.
One World of Fashion
Every nation has a doo rag in some form or another. In a middle eastern country skull caps made of a light weight material are the choice to keep the head warm in cold weather. Rags of a related lightweight material on the back of the men’s caps can be wrapped around the face for a great new style.. A dark color, like black, absorbs the sun during the day, and warms the head. Different color rags are a fashion choice for men’s and women’s doo rags.
In Japan head wraps or durags are called Tenugui. Students tie it around their head and skull to form a small cap. Laborers use a different folding method based on the triangle to make their skull caps into a double layer to keep their head warm when working outdoors. In men’s martial arts dojos the Tenugui is tied around the forehead and over the top of the skull. The color will change with the degree reached, and black displays the results of the highest achievement for all to see.
All across Europe and the United Kingdom football teams and their fans use durags as caps to cover their head and protect their skull. When heading to the pitch fans may wear one or more of their best items to show their loyalty and search for others who may want to make friends.

Doo Rag, Durag, Waves Cap ?!?
Some call it a durag – or doo rag – others a silky, or a wave cap. Whatever the name, they’re all the same wardrobe item worn by today’s fashion-conscious boys and girls, men and women, and even grandpa, steppin’ out with his bae. First won by slaves, then laborers, to keep the hair clean, it was later embraced during the Harlem Renaissance in the 1930’s, to maintain hairstyles. And show some style of its own, as well.
If you have a wave, be it 360, 540, or 720, then skip ahead. If not, here’s a quick word on this high-maintenance hairstyle. Start with short hair, then train it by daily brushing as it grows in. Fifteen to thirty minutes a day. To start. Then, when you have your hair headed in the right direction, you need to brush for an hour a day, in front of a mirror. You should YouTube ‘wave’ to get it right.
Practicing angles, muscle-memory, and focussing on how you want your waves to come in. This is when you start to “rag up”. Get the hair used to laying down. Like training a dog with a leash, you need to control your hair with a wave cap. Also called a durag, or doo rag, and you know by now where to get the best ones. Sort them by featured colors, price, or change the settings to read about
When the need arrives, and it’s time to add a bit of style, it can be whipped out, and tied on in a second. it’s a scarf with personality. You don’t need a wave to wear a doo rag, so even bald white men can don a doo rag without being accused of Cultural Appropriation. It makes the old look young, and the young look hip—if that’s still a term that’s cool.